DLA Branded Apparel - Available thru this website starting May 1. Click on the link below on this page.
June 28th - Around the Lake Garage Sale. (always the 4th Saturday in June)
July 4th - Boat Parade
August 17th - Paddle the Duck (always the 3rd Saturday in August)
All at the Clarence Township Hall at 7:00 PM. Everyone is welcome! The Around the Lake Garage Sale date is Saturday June 28, 2025.
Two opportunities to order with the Duck Lake logo:
Spring Order May 1 - June 15
Fall Order Aug 1 - Sept 15
There are several designs and colors to choose from: T-Shirt ( short and long Sleeve), Tank Tops, Sweatshirts, Golf Shirts, Car Stickers.
Paddle the Duck T-Shirts should be ordered during the spring order. Easy to order: Duck Lake Association Apparel.
The Duck Lake Association recently received the 2024 report from Restorative Lake Sciences. Just click on the following link to see the entire report.
Restorative Lake Sciences - Annual Water Quality Report
For historical pictures of Duck Lake. ( New Historical Pictures Coming Soon )
Raffle winners were Karen Canull, Emily Williamson, Ashley Urfer, Jason Conner, Chelsea Mead, Vickie Compos, Michelle Meredith, Carole Booms, Vicki Schiro and Bernie Ackley.
This year's six checkpoints were the Regans, Smiths, Huberts, Dancers, Laplante/Arbogasts, and Snyders.
We hope to see you again this year participating in the annual Paddle the Duck. The event will take place on the third Saturday of August, 08/16/2025.
As a service to our members, the Duck Lake Association is now accepting paid advertising. The cost of an ad is $60.00. Please click on the Advertising. DLA assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any paid advertisement listed on this website.