Duck Lake, Calhoun County, Michigan is a beautiful lake with clear water and ample opportunities for boating, fishing and sailing.

The Duck Lake Association is a Michigan Non-Profit Lake Association


Responsibilities & Activities of the Duck Lake Association

JOB ONE: Keeping Our FOCUS and EYES on the Health of the Lake: - Water Quality Analysis and Storm Water Runoff are recent examples. The Duck Lake Association (DLA) monitors the clarity and quality of the lake water on an annual basis. We were proactive in early detection and treatment of Invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil. In 2014, the Duck Lake Association initiated a successful petition drive for a Special Assessment to fund suppression of invasive aquatic weeds.

This past summer we successfully created a 2nd Special Assessment District that continues the steady funding to monitor, detect, and treat the invasive weeds that continue to come into our lake.

The DLA continues to call attention to our local, County, and State officials addressing the problem of watershed runoff into our lake. Lastly, but particularly important, in 2008, the Duck Lake Association hired an attorney who (specialized in reparian rights) and helped the Duck Lake community successfully resist an effort to build homes adjacent to Turtle Cove.

Communications with Duck Lake residents and the Clarence Township Board.
Email - - The DLA maintains an email list of members to provide immediate information (email "blasts") when needed. (Email addresses are never shared elsewhere.) Several DLA Board members also attend Clarence Township monthly meetings. The DLA has a continuing positive relationship with our local fire department and our county marine officers.

Web Site-- We maintain a website: to provide pertinent information to lake residents and other interested parties. On this website, a link is provided for ordering
Duck Lake Apparel- We sell various Duck Lake branded apparel during two ordering periods, with our local supplier, Scott Farmer, returning 20% to DLA.

Duck Lake Directory- We publish a directory of all lake residents biennially. The DLA distributes the directory (even years) to members in good standing. The 2024-2025 Directory will be distributed early this summer 2024.

Newsletter- We publish a newsletter 3 times per year. The first newsletter of the year is mailed to all lake residents. The remaining newsletters are mailed only to DLA members. As an option, members can request free electronic versions in color, via their email.

Lake Clean-Up- We cooperate with Clarence Township for the annual"Round the Lake Clean Up", held in the early spring. Clarence Township provides a one-day dumpster for trash adjacent to the Clarence Township Hall parking lot.

Fish Stocking- In coordination with the Michigan DNR, we pay for fish stocking every other year collect donations to help off-set the cost. The last time we purchased 1000 6-7" perch. These little guys came to Duck Lake from Lagus Fish Farm near Portage Michigan. In 2024, partnering with the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources, we will help fund the stocking of Walleyes into Duck Lake.

"Community Building" Activities:

Round the Lake Garage Sale - We sponsor an annual garage sale and buy advertising in newspapers and advertising flyers. We rent and provide two Porta-johns for public use. Always the 4th Saturday in June. This year the garage sale is June 22, 2024.

Fourth of July Boat Parade- We sponsor organize an annual boat parade.

Golf Outing- We sponsor and help organize an annual mid-summer 9-hole scramble golf outing at the Duck Lake Country Club for any DLA members. (There is a course and cart fee) Saturday July 13, 2024. (Check the date)

A Paddle Event called "Paddle the Duck" has become our newest annual activity. This year the event will take place on August 17, 2024. Lake residents are invited to use paddle or oar power to progress along part or all the lake near the lake shoreline and have fun in a safe way.

Details will be included in the Summer newsletter.

Duck Lake 2023 Aquatic Vegetation, Water Quality, and 2024 Management ReportFollowing is a brief summary of the report

Recommendations Report: The overall condition of Duck Lake is ranked in the top 15% of developed Michigan lakes of similar size, as was measured in the late summer of 2023. The water clarity ranged from 10.0-22.0 feet in 2023 which is excellent.

Invasive species such as Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) and Curly-leaf Pondweed (CLP) are able to grow in moderate, nutrient rich waters and are thus a challenge to the Duck Lake ecosystem. This previous year a newer systemic herbicide (ProcellaCOR) along with (Diquat) was given to treat the overlap between EWM and CLP in many locations on the lake. The annual rotation of these products reduces the tolerance of the EWM and allows for improved results from the treatments. However, it is not only necessary to take action to combat the invasive and harmful species but also to protect the twenty-five native aquatic plant species to our lake. Their protection is vital for the health of the lake and fishery. These plants should not be managed unless they are a nuisance to lakefront property owners and possess navigational and recreational hazards (i.e., lily pads).

The lake was sampled on August 2, 2023. In that sample it was found to be strongly stratified due to its great depth. Dissolved oxygen was plentiful at the surface and mid-depth with marked depletion near the lake bottom. Chlorophyll-concentrations were also moderately low which correlates with the observed high-water clarity throughout the season. Conductivity was moderate and the pH was ideal. The nutrient (N and P) concentrations are moderate with elevated phosphorus near the bottom. The bottom TP is still remarkably low for a deep lake at only 47 ug/L, whereas many deep lakes have bottom TP concentrations over 100 ug/L.

RESTORATIVE LAKE SERVICES (RLS - Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones PhD, Restorative Lake Sciences) (Following are highlights with a link taking you to the entire report.

Aquatic Vegetation Data (2023) and Status of Native Aquatic Vegetation in Duck LakeNative aquatic vegetation is essential for the overall health of the lake and the support of the lake fishery. There were three surveys conducted on the lake in 2023, the late season inventory is the most accurate to record allthe native aquatic plant species since many do not germinate in the spring. The whole-lake aquatic vegetation survey on August 2, 2023 determined that there was a total of twenty-five native aquatic plant species. These include fourteen submersed species, five floating-leaved species, and six emergent species for a total of 25 native species. The current biodiversity of aquatic vegetation in Duck Lake is ideal to support a healthy fishery. This means that the array of different aquatic plants serve varying functions in the ecology of Duck Lake. The overall percent cover of the lakeby native aquatic plants is low relative to the lake size due to the great depth and thus these plants must be protected unless growing near swim areas at substantial nuisance levels.

Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) is an invasive, submersed aquatic plant that spreads through fragmentation, seed dispersal, and underground stolons. Alake management plan study conducted by RLS in 2015 found that approximately thirty acres infested the lake. The initial June 5, 2023 survey revealed approximately 25 acres of Curly-leaf Pondweed and 3.5 acres of EWM were present in the lake. Both were treated on June 14, 2023 with systemic ProcellaCOR for the EWM and DIQUAT for the CLP. An additional August 2, 2023 full lake survey indicated 0.1 acres of EWM and numerous locations where invasive emergent Purple Loosestrife was found. As previously indicated in the lake managementplan report, this species should be removed by hand and discarded as it displaces native plants. Restorative Lake Services - Jennifer Management

Recommendations for 2024

Continuous aquatic vegetation surveys in Duck Lake are needed to determine the precise locations of EWM, Curly-leaf Pondweed (CLP), or other problematic invasive species in and around Duck Lake. These surveys should occur from late-May to early-June and again post-treatment(s) in 2024. Protection of the native aquatic plant species in Duck Lake is encouraged as these are critical for the lake fishery and health. The plan for 2024 includes whole-lake surveys and the use of high dose systemic aquatic herbicides for effective Eurasian Watermilfoil control if EWM is present inthe lake and canal. To reduce the probability for tolerance of EWM fortriclopyr or 2,4-D, RLS recommends use of ProcellaCOR systemicherbicide with diquat for EWM control in 2024 with another rotation in 2025. It is a costly herbicide but very effective in season-long control. Invasive Curly-leaf Pondweed will respond well to Aquathol-K or diquatat 1-2 gallons per acre if found but should only be treated in dense areassince it naturally dies back in mid to late summer. Water quality parameters in the lake will also be monitored in 2024 andgiven in the annual report.

In conclusion, Duck Lake is a healthy lake with excellent aquatic plant biodiversity, high water clarity, moderate/high nutrients (depending on depth and season as these are lower in fall), and a healthy lake fishery. Management of the EWM, Curly-leaf Pond weed, and emergent invasive Purple Loosestrife and protection of the water quality are paramount for the long-term health of the lake.

Shrink Wrap Recycling 2024

In the Spring of 2023, the Duck Lake Association Board initiated its own local shrink wrap recycling drive at the suggestion of local riparian, Wayne Gay and in conjunction with the Michigan Recycling Coalition. The majority of shrink wrap comes from Dr. Shrink, Inc. which has grown from a small business started in 1992 in Northern Michigan to a world wide global shrink wrap supplier. Shrink wrap is 100% virgin resin made of #4 low density polyurethane and is ideal for recycling, being used to make plastic lumber, TREX decking, construction sheeting and garbage bags. For every bag of shrink wrap recycled there is a savings of 115 Kwh of energy, 13.5 gallons of oil and 16-20 cu ft of landfill space.

Locally, the DLA Board has decided to continue this valuable recycling program in 2024 by providing EZ fill Recycle Bags with instructions at no cost to the resident. Bags may be available through your local shrink wrap vendor or in the Spring by calling Tom Neidlinger (269-967-4379). Once your wrap is bagged in the Spring it can be picked up by calling TN for pickup. We encourage and appreciate our local residents participation in this important recycling program.

Tom Neidlinger, Vice Chair

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