The outlet is located at the North end of Duck Lake, Clarence Township, Calhoun County and runs Northeast to Narrow Lake. Back in the 1940's there were many complaints about the high water level. Nearby muck farmers complained as did cottage owners. The store at the North end (Silver Beach) was located on the beach, between the road and the water. David "Bunk" Garfield, the store owner, had to have the building moved across the road as the water level continued to rise. In dry seasons, the outlet ditch was blocked by an old door, and pieces of timber. In wet seasons the door would be removed.
In 1944, the Calhoun County Board of Commissions asked the Court to determine the proper level at which Duck Lake should be maintained. Judge Blaine Hatch established the level at 929 feet. (Ed. Note: We believe this is 929 feet above sea level). Metal pilings were driven into the lake just above the outlet and the outlet (creek) was dredged. (See the original dam above). A gauge was installed by the dam and "Bunk" was asked to record the level each day. He did this for quite a long time. In 1956, it was noted that the dam had been damaged by the pressure of winter ice, and the dam was repaired in 1957. Recently, the creek running Northeast from the outlet was dredged again. Below is a 2006 view of the outlet.
November 24, 1893 – A new store has been opened at the foot of Duck Lake with Monroe and Andrews as proprietors.
February 23, 1894 – Oren Andrews is Duck Lake postmaster.
June 29, 1894 – Elmer Miller, who is working for Jim Monroe, went with others, last Sunday, bathing and was taken with cramps. Had it not been for the others, he would have surely drowned, as he was unable to save himself.
July 13, 1894 – Mr. and Mrs. William Leonard have moved a part of their goods back to the lake and are living in the little school house.
July 27, 1894 – Duck Lake is getting quite noted as a resort, it is reported that boats were so thick on the lake Sunday that it was almost impossible to pass without side tracking. Ad – Monroe and Andrews Duck Lake general store. Dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, groceries, sporting goods, candy, tobacco and cigars. Also, Oliver chilled plow. Special attention given to ordering goods not in stock. Our wagon will be on the road five days each week, to take your butter and eggs for which we always pay the highest market price. When at lake give us a call.
July 27, 1894 – Ad – Mr. Wm. Leonard, who has charge of the camping ground at the North end of Duck Lake, is equipped to handle his many visitors in the best of style this season. Among the many improvements is an excellent outfit of boats. He has accommodation for 60 horses and carriages, in case of a storm. He carries a fine line of fishing tackle and bait in season. Meals on short notice and soft drinks, candy, nuts, cigars, tobacco and cigarettes at the stand. Where can you spend a more pleasant day than at this popular resort? The campgrounds are free and no exorbitant rates are charged. Remember the place, the North end of Duck Lake. William H. Leonard, proprietor.
August 24, 1894 – The grounds at the North of Duck Lake look like and Indian village, so many tents scattered around. There are campers form Albion and Springport and with the coming and going it makes things lively over there.
The following table shows the dates that the ice completely melted off the lake since 1962.